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Writing Moduler code in javascript by splitting the code in multiple files. The two types of export i.e default way and named exports way: lets...
lets understand the two approaches here for managing multiple form field state. · 1- Lets suppose we have multiple field in our forms, so one way is,...
Props in React: 1- We use props to pass state/data to its child components, and we pass it with the help of props and then in child component, we...
reactJs(Custom Hooks) notes.Although there are multiple react hooks already available which I have already covered in my previous articles, but...
The useRef hook notes: · useRef(initialValue) // In the above line the initialvalue passed is assigned to the ref object's current...
useCallback(fn, dependencies) parameters: Pass a function and the list of dependencies. Returns: It returns a memoized/cached copy of function passed...